Mr. Quek is one of three co-founders of PrimePartners Group and is an Adviser and member of the Board of PPG. He was until the end of 2018 the Chairman of PrimePartners Corporate Finance, a Member of the Board of Directors of Aris PrimePartners Asset Management and former Managing Director of Securities and Research, BNP Prime Peregrine.
Prior to establishing PrimePartners, Mr. Quek was Director of Research for Morgan Grenfell (Asia) Group where, under his research leadership, Morgan Grenfell Asia & Partners Securities Pte Ltd was voted the top research house in Singapore equities by the Global Investor Magazine in 1989 and by Asiamoney Magazine in 1990, 1992, and 1993.
Mr. Quek was himself voted the top analyst in Singapore in 1992 by professional fund managers. Prior to joining the Morgan Grenfell (Asia) Group in 1987, Mr. Quek was Senior Assistant Editor of Euromoney Magazine in London, where he specialized in covering the development of international equity markets and emerging country stock markets. Mr. Quek is a graduate of the University of Singapore with a degree in business administration.